Saturday, 15 April 2017


This term we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. This is what we have been focusing on:
  • Identify shapes - we had to find different shapes in our classroom, school environment and name them.
  • Identify some of the properties of 2D and 3D objects - in our problem solving groups, we sketched and made some shapes, we then presented them on a poster that explained the different key features of each shape (like faces, vertices and edges). We shared this learning with the class.
  • Use mathematical language - we have made a 'Math Vocabulary' wall, discussed the meaning of different words and added to the wall throughout our learning. 
  • Construct 3D shapes - we made 3D shapes out of toothpicks and gummy bears. 
  • Identify and show reflection, rotation, and translation - we made a piece of artwork to represent these movements. 

See more photos of our learning below!!

Monday, 10 April 2017

Our Interest Projects

Deep understanding
People can make significant contributions to the communities in which they live, learn and work

We had a number of famous pictures of New Zealanders spread around the classroom. We had to add sticky notes to the pictures trying to guess who the people were and what sort of qualities and character traits they possessed (our big question). Some children decided to look at themselves and complete their IP on what made them unique.

Next as a class we came up with our driving questions to help guide our learning. Then we identified what resources we would need to complete our IP and how we would like to present it.

All children had to record in a diary of what they achieved and found out about themselves or the famous NZer. Some children found it challenging keeping an accurate record of what they accomplished each day.

Finally, we had to present our findings and reflect on what we had achieved up against the Key Competencies.
Today we started presenting our IPs. Outstanding work by Summer answering her driving questions and big question. She also kept an accurate record of what she did each day on her IP. 

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Problem Solving with Fractions

As a warm up to our maths time we played 'l have.. Who has...' This game helped us to identify and say fractions correctly. After this we worked in our problem solving groups to solve some fraction word problems. These involved finding the biggest fraction and ordering fractions from smallest to largest.

Thursday, 6 April 2017


Last Friday we had two Canterbury Dodgeball Players come to teach Koru 2 some dodgeball skills and tactics to help us work as a team. We were given shirts from a range of New Zealand and international teams to wear whilst we practised our skills and played a game.

Congratulations to Chelden and Briana for showing team work and determination. These two children were chosen as the player of their games and were given a Canterbury Vikings singlet to keep.

My Memoirs

Goal - I’m learning to write a memoir of my life at Bromley School Purpose - A memoir  must show how your life was  changed due t...