Monday, 12 November 2018

My Memoirs

Goal - I’m learning to write a memoir of my life at Bromley School

Purpose - A memoir  must show how your life was  changed due to your experiences

Children had the choice of presenting this IP anyway they liked and had to share their final product with the class.

They evaluated their efforts up against the purpose and against the key competencies. This was completed in their learning groups through reflective discussions and peer feedback.

My Bromley School Memories 2018 to 2018

My favourite book is  Goosebumps because it has scary stories.  It is a horror style book.
The best thing that happened  for me was making new friends at Bromley School and having fun with them and playing sport. My teachers are pretty cool as well. Way better than my last school.
My favourite classroom activity maths because I like trying new equations. Doing multiplications and learning all my times.
My favourite school trip was camp because it was really fun and I tried lots of new things there. I tried air rifles and gaga ball. I also had to face my fears and do climbing and stuff like that. I had to flex my bravery muscle and go for it.  We had a great time.
A lesson I learnt was  to have fun and try new things and give everything a go at school. Taking risks with my learning and giving things my best effort even when it is hard.
My favourite school lunch is macho chips, apple muffin, orange cake and fizzy. When I am allowed it. Fish and chips if mum brought me them. Yum!
The funniest thing I ever saw or heard Mr Cron dancing on stage at school camp at Woodend 2018. It was hilarious.
My lifelong friends Sharn, Robert, Lucas Whitworth, Kerrin, Ruben, and Zion.
What am I looking forward to in the next chapter of my life? Our family is moving to Australia, Melbourne at the end of this year. I Will have to go to another new school.
What am I going to miss most is my friends and this makes me feel sad.

By Zyon

Passion and Interest Projects

Children planned and presented their IPs. There was a wide range of topics and different ways children presented. Some children researched NZ disasters, Kiwi Fruit Industry and some children even researched and designed a new school playground to go with our new school hall. Children set their own driving questions and had to justify the choices they made. 

Thank you Shania and Chloe for flexing your kindness mucsles by supporting Holden and Riley through the passion project process.

My Memoirs

Goal - I’m learning to write a memoir of my life at Bromley School Purpose - A memoir  must show how your life was  changed due t...