Gratitude and Appreciation
It has become clear that there are a number of advantages associated with being grateful. Grateful people are happier, have stronger feelings of social support, and feel less stressed and depressed. Evidence suggests an increase in people’s levels of gratitude may be a good way to increase their feelings of well-being. Koru 2 reflected on things that make them grateful.
I am grateful for.....
25 class comments

Jamie Platt-Watters8 Sep
I am grateful for my grandad looking after me for a year when my parents couldn't when i was 9

Tyrese Uri8 Sep
I am grateful of my school because they help me learn and i am proud to be born also having the best people in my life and being on earth and the spending my life here with billions and billions people on earth.

Alexander Hotere8 Sep
I am great full for my parents because they have raised me and my other three brothers

Holly Hiddlestone8 Sep
I am grateful for having a nice worm place where theres food and having a mum and dad

Aisha Watson8 Sep
I am great full for my parents because they all ways look after me. Im also great full for my grand parents because for 10 whole years they picked me up and took me out and took me home and i just fell very great full for them.

Summer Pool8 Sep
I am very grateful for my mother, because she birthed me, and raised me. She had it quite tough, because I only had a five percent chance to stay alive, or be born. I had some issues when born, and my mother stood up and got the doctors to do the right thing, so I am very, very grateful for my mother and her courage, I am also very grateful, that I was raised by my parents, and had the right understanding of everything, because without them teaching me, patients, determination, perseverance, and much more. I am also grateful for my teachers, because they have also taught me a lot of things throughout life, like to ignore things that aren't funny, to think deeper, to have a better understanding of other people, and to respect everyone and their things they cherish. I am also very grateful, because of God, because he gave me self control, and just helped me throughout life, so i'm not completely lost.

Chelden Hayward8 Sep
Im grateful for having my mum because she gives me food she gives me clothes on my back and a roof over my head. She tacks me to school so i can learn she tacks me to sport to keep fit heathy and strong that is why i'm grateful for having my mum.

I Am Grateful For My Mum And Dad Always Supporting Me In The Cross Country And The Teachers For Helping Me Learn And Im Grateful For My Family And My Friends

Nerise Jansen Van8 Sep
I am very grateful for every one I love and trust like my BFFS,savanna,lilly and taila

Bryson McKenzie8 Sep
I,m gat full for my life because i wooden meat .great friends and the
Amazing school that i,m at today
Amazing school that i,m at today

Jamie Bennett8 Sep
I'm grateful for my mum and dad for bringing me into this world,caring for me and also for helping me walk,talk,eat and also drink.

Im Also Grateful For My Sister Looking after Before she passed with cancer